
PelletVent Pro Harman Starter Collar - Duravent


All PelletVent Pro® components that come into contact with flue gases are built with an inner wall of corrosion resistant metal

The PelletVent Pro Harman starter collar is for Harman pellet stoves that have a hopper that prevents the installer from clearing the back of the stove with a tee right off the outlet

The starter collar give the additional length needed to clear the pellet hopper and to go to vertical with a tee, allowing the stove to be placed closer to the wall

There is no need to use an additional horizontal pipe length

PelletVent Pro specifications and offset chart

For purchases, you will be directed to our e-commerce site.
3" Diameter x 5 3/4" Long Adapter
3" Diameter x 2 1/8" Long Adapter