
PelletVent Pro Ravelli Tee Adapter - Duravent


PelletVent Pro is engineered with features for a durable, safe and aesthetically pleasing venting system

The PelletVent Pro Ravelli tee adapter is specifically made to provide a secure tight fit to the exhause outlet on any Ravelli pellet stove

The Ravelli outlet measures 80mm, which is larger than many of the other stoves on the market. This tee adapter is specifically designed to fit the outside of a Ravelli stove exhaust outlet. This will assure that smoke is conducted throught the air tight inner stainless steel pipe

It is recommended to seal the adapter to the outlet with high temperature silicone sealant to ensure a tight connection

Galvalume outer pipe

PelletVent Pro specifications and offset chart

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3" Diameter Ravelli Tee Adapter